A golden future is ahead of you, therefore, you have to pre p are yourself to participate actively in the world you live in and to have a say in the reshaping of the world. Develop yourself into intelligent, diligent, well informed and responsible men and women. Try to excel in whatever you do remembering that there is always a scope f or improvement. Make the best use of facilities that y our school, y our home and y our country provide to you
The education system which could have remedied all ailment and promoted his all round development has proved woe fully inadequate. Somehow a student of today is unable to get true knowledge, which could have helped him to acquire the right understanding of life resulting in right thoughts, right speech and right action. Infact, the real aim of education is to develop the character and individuality of a pu pi l, his mind, will and soul power.
The best education is that which teaches us that the end of knowledge is service. The most important thing about education is its relation to life. ”Knowledge without action is empty as a shadow.” Education is not a withered parchment but the ”Living Water of the Spirit ” .
The school should be a home of teachers and students who reflect in their studies, and on the playground and in their daily lives, the cherished virtue of humility. Till our knowledge enables us to imbibe the noble things of life, it has not served its purpose. Al -Ghazali, a man of scholarship and meditation, say s in his book ”Child ”: ”Know, my child, that knowledge without action is insanity, and the noblest action is service.”.